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xifnet:ioslaves:auth [2016/08/29 02:56] xifxifnet:ioslaves:auth [2019/03/16 17:31] (current) xif
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 +====== Authentication ======
 +===== Principles =====
 +Just a hash challenge (actually using [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whirlpool_(cryptography)|Whirlpool]]) to resolve for masters in order to authenticate themselves, using a symmetric key, that needs to be sent to slaves.
 +===== Key storage/auth methods =====
 +Plugins on master side can be made to store and do the hash in an other way than plain raw key storage on the master's filesystem.
 +==== Arduino/EEPROM method ====
 +===== Permissions =====
 +===== Key sending procedure =====
 +Log on the slave side :\\
 +Log of the master which stores and sends its key to the slave :\\
 +Log of the master which authorizes the first master to send the key, and chooses associated permissions :\\
 +Logs of initial key sending (accepting the first key without being authenticated) :\\