====== Services ======
* **ssh** : on all machines, disabled by default
* **minecraft hosting** : ''ioslavesd-minecraft'' on nearly all machines of xifnet (//krokodil//, //nashorn//, //sulfur//, //bee//...) + panels at [[https://minecraft.xif.fr:29]] (''nginx''+''php-fpm''+''minecraft-master'', //el-presidente//)
* **www** (''nginx''+''php-fpm'', //nashorn//) : [[https://www.xif.fr/]], [[https://minecraft.xif.fr/]], …
* **dokuwiki** : [[https://wiki.xif.fr]]
* **etherpad** (''nodejs'' behind ''nginx'') : [[https://pad.xif.fr]]
* **file uploading** : [[https://www.xif.fr/upload.php]]
* documents and links **repository** : [[https://l.xif.fr/]]
* …
* **mail** : ''imap.xif.fr'' (''dovecot'', //nashorn//), and ''smtp.xif.fr'' (''opensmtpd'', //nashorn//) for local delivery & relaying; users management: ''ssh:mailusers@nashorn''
* **xifrepo** arch, source and docu repo (''lighttpd'', //nashorn//) : [[http://repo.xif.fr:7979]], [[http://dev.xif.fr:7979]]
* **xifnet-control** (''nginx''+''php-fpm''+''ioslstatd'', //el-presidente//) : [[http://network.xif.fr:29]]
* **build machines** : //satanas// (i686), //bam-bam// (x86_64), push packages on xifrepo
* **git server** (//satanas//, ''git''+''lighttpd'', storage on raid5) : ''%%http://satanas.net.xif.fr:1234/git/{repo}.git%%'', ''%%ssh://git@satanas.net.xif.fr:222/data/git/{repo}.git%%'' + **gitweb** : [[http://satanas.net.xif.fr:1234/gitw/]] \\ Take a look at [[xifnet:procedures:create_git_repo|Procedure : creation of a git repo]]
* **dynamic dns** : ''ioslavesd-xifnetdyndns''+''nsd'' on //cohn-bendit// : ''ns1.xif.fr''
* **paste** (//syrnae//) : [[http://srv01.silvercraft.fr/paste/]]
* **http proxy** (//syrnae//) : [[http://srv01.silvercraft.fr/proxy/]]
* **incoming ssh tunnels** (//blue-squal//) : ''sshtun@blue-squal.net.xif.fr'', see [[xifnet:procedures:ssh_tunnel|Procedure : Incoming SSH tunnels]]