====== Incoming SSH tunnels with the XifNet ====== No UPnP on ur network ? Can't open NAT ports ? Too bad... \\ Well, there is a solution : **SSH Tunnels**. Let's see how. __On ur machine__ : - ''ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f .ssh/sshtun'' - Copy ur pub key (''cat .ssh/sshtun.pub'') - Configure the distant machine (read below) - Start the service on port ''[XXX]'' - Choose port ''[YYYY]'' for the service (''YYYY'' > 1024) - ''ssh -f -N -T -R[YYYY]:localhost:[XXX] sshtun@[disthost].net.xif.fr -o IdentityFile=~/.ssh/sshtun'' - ''ioslaves-master [me] [disthost] -C --open-port=[YYYY]'' - Enjoy : connect to the service at ''[disthost].net.xif.fr:[YYYY]'' __On the XifNet distant machine__ : - ''useradd sshtun -s /bin/nologin'' - ''sudo -u sshtun sh -c "cd ~ && mkdir -m 700 .ssh && nano .ssh/authorized_keys && chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys"'' * In ''authorized_keys'' : add ''no-pty,no-agent-forwarding ssh-ed25519 [the_key] [the_host]'' - Edit ''/etc/ssh/sshd_config'' and set * ''GatewayPorts yes'' to enable listening on ''*'' iface * ''PermitTunnel yes'' - ''systemctl restart sshd'' And then admire ur work with ''lsof -Pi'' __Note__ : ''sshtun@nashorn.net.xif.fr'' is already configured so.