====== Creation of a git repo ====== On Satanas : - ssh on ''satanas.net.xif.fr'' - ''cd /data/git/'' - ''mkdir {repo}.git && cd {repo}.git'' - ''git init --bare'' - Add ''sharedRepository = true'' into section ''[core]'' of ''./config'' - Edit ''./description'' - ''mv hooks/post-update.sample hooks/post-update && chmod +x hooks/post-update'' in order to run ''git update-server-info'' after each push - ''git update-server-info'' - ''cd .. && chown -Rv git:dev {repo}.git'' Then at the local repo : - ''git clone %%http://satanas.net.xif.fr:1234/git/{repo}.git%% && cd {repo}.git'' - Move the code into. Commit : ''git add *'' and ''git commit -m "Initial commit"'' - Edit ''.git/config'' and replace ''[remote "origin"]'' and ''[branch "master"]'' sections by : [remote "satanas"] url = ssh://git@satanas.net.xif.fr:222/data/git/{repo}.git fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/satanas/* [branch "master"] remote = satanas merge = refs/heads/master - Push the code : ''git push satanas master'' (you have to have a SSH key on ''git@satanas'')\\ You'll read '' * [new branch] master -> master'' - Enjoy your hard work at [[http://satanas.net.xif.fr:1234/gitw/?p={repo}.git]]