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====== Documentation of the ioslaves suite ======
''ioslaves'' is modualar, secure, and service-oriented hosting-machine management system for decentralised self-hosting.
* **''ioslavesd''** : main deamon, running on each machine
* Service-oriented : systemd services, plain old deamons, plugin services
* Modular : [[xifnet:ioslaves:api|plugin services]] take advantage of ioslavesd features and hence do not have to re-implement control interface
* Strong authentification with symectrical keys and permissions for each master, with a system of authorized key sending
* Health monitoring (used by network control page), real-time logging (used by ''macgui'')
* Automatic shutdown of the machine
* ...
* **''ioslaves-master''**
* Control program for slaves with symetric key authentication methods :
* Raw key storage
* Arduino external key storage
* **''macgui''** : usefull systray graphical interface
* Slave status + token generation for the network control page
* Realtime colored and selective logging
* SSH/SSHFS quick profiles with automatic ssh service start/stop
* **Network control page** + **''ioslstatd''** : Network status and management master page
* Real-time status with graphs via ''ioslstatd'' and websocket
* Slaves/services/ports status and management; publicly-wakable machines...
* Multiple factor authentication (dynamic password, token got with ''ioslaves-master'' via **''ioslavesd-tokgen''**...)
* **''ioslavesd-wake-gateway''** : just a dynslaves slave wake order forwarder service
* **''ioslavesd-xifnetdyndns''** : dynamic DNS system for slaves, this service running with [[|NSD]] is contacted by ioslaves periodically to check for external IP change; also provides a dynamic SRV entries mechanism